Welcome to Darchai Noam



The passuk in Mishlei (3:17) describes the Torah as follows: “Its ways are ways of pleasantness (Darchai Noam) and all its paths are peace”. The Torah is our guidebook for life. It is packed full of good advice as to how we should live our lives.

The aim of Darchai Noam is to examine an idea from the weekly parashah, usually relating to good middot (character traits). It will focus particularly on treating each other with respect and how to interact with each other in a more peaceful and pleasant manner. It will also suggest some practical tips for implementing these ideas in our daily lives.

By learning together regularly and making an effort to put the ideas into practice, with Hashem’s help we can all gradually improve our character traits and our observance of ‘v’ahavta l’re’echa kamocha’ – loving one’s fellow as oneself.

You are welcome to use the content of Darchai Noam in any way that will help to spread the learning of Torah. However please attribute credit appropriately.

Many of the ideas that I use in Darchai Noam are based on ideas that I read or heard from various sources. Where possible I try to quote the source. However, in some cases I cannot recall the source. For that I apologise. If I do discuss an idea that I heard from somewhere else, any errors are purely my own.

How can the Parsha help us grow this week?

Mishpatim – The ox and the sheep

This week’s Parsha of Mishpatim lists a large number of mitzvot. Let’s focus on one of those mitzvot and explore lessons we can learn that are relevant to us.

Read more…

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Rabbi Allon Ledder

Author of Darchai Noam Rabbi Allon Ledder. He grew up in Sydney, Australia. He worked as a corporate lawyer in Sydney and Melbourne for 16 years. While working as a lawyer he received smicha from Rav Doniel Channen. He lives with his family in Nof Ayalon, a yishuv near Modiin in Israel. Rabbi Ledder continues to learn and to teach Torah. Rabbi Allon Ledder grew up in Sydney, Australia. He worked as a corporate lawyer in Sydney and Melbourne for 16 years. While working as a lawyer he received smicha from Rav Doniel Channen, Rav Aharon Schenkolewski, Rav Dovid Ostroff and Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg. He lives with his family in Nof Ayalon, a yishuv near Modiin in Israel. Rabbi Ledder continues to learn and to teach Torah. He also practices Australian law at Warlows Legal.

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